

What is Tepentadol?

Tapentadol tablets are utilized for treating moderate to acute pain (pain that is sudden, is triggered by a particular cause and will be gone once the root of the pain is resolved). Extended-release tablets of Tapentadol are utilized for treating the severe pain of neuropathic (pain due to nerve damage) for people with diabetes.

What are the uses of tapentadol?

The following are the major uses of tapentadol:

Severe Pain Management: Tapentadol is mainly used to reduce severe physical pain. This includes pain related to cancer, pain after surgery, pain after injury, etc.

Musculoskeletal Pain: Tapentadol is effective in reducing severe muscle and bone-related pain like arthritis, pain caused by old injuries, etc.

Neuropathic Pain: Tapentadol helps in reducing pain related to the nervous system like diabetic neuropathy, herpes neuralgia etc.

Perioperative Pain Management: Tapentadol is used to reduce severe pain before and after surgery.

What are the Benefits of Tapentadol?

Following are some of the major advantages of tapentadol:

Effective Pain Relief: Tapentadol is a powerful opioid analgesic that is capable of effectively reducing severe pain. It is helpful in reducing acute pain related to cancer, surgery, and serious injuries.

Long-lasting Pain Relief: The effects of tapentadol last a long time, so it is often given every 12 hours or more. It provides patients with continuous relief from pain.

Lower Addiction Potential: Tapentadol has a slightly lower addiction risk than other opioids, although abuse can lead to addiction.

Fewer Side Effects: Tapentadol has fewer side effects than other opioids, such as nausea, constipation, and respiratory problems.

Perioperative Management: Tapentadol helps manage severe pain before and after surgery.

What are the Side Effects of Tapentadol?

Tapentadol is a powerful opioid analgesic medication, and it may have some side effects. The following are the major side effects of tapentadol:

  • Sedation/Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty breathing (Respiratory Depression)
  • Euphoria/High
  • The body becomes addicted and develops dependence (Physical Dependence).
  • Tolerance
  • Cognitive Impairment at High Doses
  • Allergic Reactions like Rash, Itching

The severity of these side effects may vary with the individual, age, dose, and time. Some side effects can be serious, such as serious problems with breathing.

How to Use Tapentadol?

Tapentadol is a powerful drug, so it should be used only under medical supervision and instructions. In general, the following points need to be kept in mind for the use of tapentadol:

Dosage: Use only the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Usually the starting dose is started with 50 mg and then adjusted according to the level of pain.

Route of Administration: Tapentadol is taken by mouth in the form of tablets or capsules. It should be swallowed whole and not chewed or broken.

Schedule: Tapentadol needs to be taken at regular intervals, usually 12 hours apart. It is important to follow the schedule prescribed by the doctor.

Monitoring for Side Effects: Side effects of tapentadol, such as drowsiness, nausea, constipation, etc., should be monitored. Contact your doctor in case of serious side effects.

Not Increasing Dose:

The dosage of the medicine should not be increased without a doctor’s advice, as this may increase the risk of overdose.

Adequate Water Intake: Adequate water intake should be taken with tapentadol as it can cause constipation.

How does Tapentadol work?

Tapentadol is an opioid analgesic drug that relieves pain by acting on specific receptors present in the brain and nervous system. Its functioning is as follows:

Action on Mu-Opioid Receptors: Tapentadol primarily stimulates mu-opioid receptors present in the brain and nervous system. These receptors reduce the transmission and processing of pain signals, thereby reducing the sensation of pain.

Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibition: Tapentadol also blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine, thereby increasing levels of this neurotransmitter. More norepinephrine helps reduce pain signals.

Serotonin Reuptake Inhibition: Similarly, tapentadol also reduces serotonin reuptake, thereby increasing serotonin levels. More serotonin also helps reduce pain.

Blockage of Pain Transmission: Tapentadol also blocks the transmission of pain signals in the brain and nervous system, thereby reducing pain sensation.

Safety Advice about Tapentadol

Tapentadol is a powerful opioid analgesic drug, so it is very important to follow certain safety precautions during its use. The following safety advice should be observed:

Medical supervision: Tapentadol should be taken only under the supervision and instructions of a doctor. Increasing the dose or taking the medicine yourself can be risky.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding without the doctor’s advice, as it may harm the fetus/newborn.

Addiction and Dependence: Abuse of tapentadol can lead to addiction and dependence. Therefore it should be used only for pain management.

Driving and operating machinery: It may be dangerous to drive or operate machinery due to sleepiness and dizziness after taking tapentadol.

Drug interactions: Tapentadol can interact with many medications, so tell your doctor about all your medications.

Monitoring side effects: Monitor for side effects like nausea, constipation, dizziness, etc., and contact your doctor immediately if serious side effects occur.

Overdose Potential: Taking large doses of tapentadol can lead to an overdose, which can be life-threatening.

Tapentadol Dosage

The dose of tapentadol depends on the following factors:


Adults (18–64 years): The starting dose is usually 50–100 mg every 12 hours.

Elderly (over 65 years): A lower dose is recommended, as it is difficult for them to expel the medicine.

Severity of pain: In case of more severe pain the dose can be gradually increased, but should usually not exceed 600 mg per day.

Side Effects: If serious side effects are observed in the patient, the dosage may be reduced.

Kidney/Liver Problems: Dose should be reduced for patients with kidney or liver disease.

Other medications: Tapentadol may interact with some other medications, so the dosage may need to be adjusted.


In conclusion, Tapentadol is a powerful opioid analgesic drug used for severe pain management. It reduces pain by acting on specific receptors present in the brain and nervous system. However, it may also have some serious side effects, such as sleepiness, nausea, constipation, difficulty breathing, and body dependence.


Therefore, tapentadol should be used only under medical supervision and direction. Increasing or decreasing the dose yourself can be dangerous. Also, caution should be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding, kidney/liver disease, and due to the potential for interactions with other medications. Do not drive while taking the medication, and monitor for side effects.